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Fighting against the: Great Reset _ New World Order_ Silicon Valley.
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 The Nazis are back ''The Great Reset'' was a smokescreen!

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Hielke Roos
Hielke Roos

Posts : 1130
Join date : 15-08-18
Age : 72

The Nazis are back ''The Great Reset'' was a smokescreen! Empty
BerichtOnderwerp: The Nazis are back ''The Great Reset'' was a smokescreen!   The Nazis are back ''The Great Reset'' was a smokescreen! Icon_minitimewo mei 04, 2022 3:30 pm

I will now take a step further, a bold step.
The real plan is not a Great Reset that is just a smoke screen.

The whole plan is National Socialism in conjunction with Communism!
The Nazis are back ''The Great Reset'' was a smokescreen! Game-w10
The Z that the Russians have on the tanks and army vehicles nothing is a coincidence?
The rise of a new Empire or the New World order many think, yes, but that crazy Klaus Schwab will not succeed with his Great Reset many are awake! and that's right, but it was a run-up!

And sooner or later this plan goes wrong! For man cannot be enslaved!
But people just want it to go wrong, that's why first divide the game and conquer this by drawing the Covid and the racism card, then the climate (HOAX) and again lockdowns.
One will not attack directly and Waging War it will be a lot of skirmishes at first.
It's all part of the Great Reset Deal, because the whole plan is about redistribution of the world.

Redistribute the world and then restore order with China's communist system
because that works fine!

Add a dash of fascism, communism and Marxsism, and cat will be in the box for the next 360 years!

The real plan goes in 3 phases!
1- Covid: The mental debilitation. 2- Climate: The financial weakening. 3- War: The Conquest!
After that, they want a reclassification of the world, this will have to be shared with the Chinese, the Europeans and the Americans.

But they are in a hurry and therefore everything will go terribly wrong!
The extreme left socialists and the left green world think of a socialistic green world,
but it becomes a world of death and destruction. We are all being misled!
Germany again wants the ''whole'' world and that's why the Reset probably goes wrong with the Russians. The Germans already have the power in America. In fact, America and England have always been part of the 1% elite of Germany!

There is every reason for change because, among other things, the banks are bankrupt! We need a new currency ie bitcoin. The Elite is losing its power and influence over what they call the ''unmensch'' and they still want the persecution and revenge and then of course power over you again! but then forever

Why the whole world?
National Germany and NATO want to punish and imprison the high-ranking soldiers and elites as if they were still alive, otherwise strip the heirs of their (looted) money. They want revenge and even the "whole" world. It is also not surprising that the Germans like Klaus Schwab are pulling the strings.
Or is this all a coincidence that the rich (Elite) who financed World War II are now behind it again!

Because we do not forget!
Remaining Russia has put the military on high alert.
Ever thought of the blood revenge and eternal dream of the Khazarian Jews?
Klaus Schwab and George Soros are Khazars' (I wrote about that in another article)

And all this is because the United Kingdom and America in 1945 to 1947
committed genocide in Germany!

This on more than 20 million ''German'' Khazarian and European innocent citizens!
First watch this introductory movie to see what really happened to the defeated Germans in 1945/47.
At the bottom of this article you can see the entire film here for a taste!

We are all being misled by Klaus Schwab and George Soros

Russia found out too late, they were just working on their own ''Communist'' world and will have to find a balance after war(s). Right America have no choice, they go with the buttocks exposed, but people there have also woken up to what the real goals are.

Many wealthy Germans are now in power in America President Biden is their puppet and elected as president because they knew he had dementia so an excellent candidate, they brought him to power by rigging the election.

Bill gates' mother worked with Watson (Jr) and they were very close
so Bill Gates could get msdos to ibm *(Watson Sr) of IBM made the timecards for Hitler.
Watson Sr: https://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Pages/item.aspx?

IBM's affairs with Hitler: from identification to extermination.

They will not rest they want to destroy America and the UK at all costs.
Boris Johnson doesn't know what to do. (You will own nothing has a double meaning!)
You will feel the pain and the diseases that the ''European''Germans'' got over them after the 2nd world war. This by spreading chemicals on them, starving the torture and yes vaccinations they were treated like beasts!

You see history repeating itself, right? Trump realized this a few years ago and was already trying to save what can be saved by traveling the world and warning other countries.

The ''German'' post-war GENOCIDE is the greatest unknown GENOCIDE.
More than 20 million native ''German'' European women, children, the elderly and the innocent were exterminated in cold blood in Russia and Eastern Europe, and even by the secret service around the world.

Take a look at the documentary (and then watch it completely) then the penny will drop.
And then think carefully. There's only a story told by the winners who still don't want me to tell you the flip side. and you're forgetting everything about the second world war. But the losers have not forgotten this generation after generation.

So it was a pre-planned genocide of approximately 20 million people, and that after the war and by the winners.

Our revenge will be sweet in 2022
The film Hellstorm is the terrible truth about the rape, torture, slavery and mass murder inflicted on the German people by the Allied victors of World War II. Klaus Schwab, Merkel's family and many high-ranking figures were massacred in, among others, Dresden etc etc (see Hellstorm) uncles, cousins ​​everything was massacred.

This is the Link to the whole Hell storm documentary you have to see it to understand!

If that link doesn't work, try this one: https://123moviesfree.love/watch-movie/hellstorm-2015-full-movie-online-free/123movies-y54jjzre-y5w390vo?watchnow=1

Or this link one doesn't want you to see the truth and thus the movie : https://ourtube.co.uk/watch/sNAIxMjRkt6qaqN

A lot can still happen to us if this does not stop now, but unfortunately few see the danger is clear to me.
This is what happens when you look the wrong way!
It is also Russia that must be punished for the genocide!
For Bill Gates it is mainly about power and his sick Mengele attitude and the elimination of inferior people. For George Soros and Klaus Schwab and the elite to take revenge and stabilize the money and power.

Watch this video this old woman tells how the 2nd world war actually started,
they use the same tactics and George Soro's weapon is now mainly the media he controls around the world.

Link: https://web.facebook.com/hanita.zeltserlaven/videos/10158298442559504

Russia has aimed the missiles at Europe and loaded them with RS-24 ICBMs in the silos.
The Russian Defense Ministry has released a video showing an RS-24 nuclear-armed intercontinental supersonic ballistic missile being loaded into a silo near Kozelsk.
Link http://alert5.com/2021/01/06/loading-of-rs-24-icbm-into-silo/#more-86241

Twitter and Facebook don't bring you this news, it should be a surprise attack.

The actual master plan was worked out more than 50 years ago

The suspected protagonists:
Jacob Greenberg, Mark Zuckerberg's maternal grandfather, Maurice Greenberg, who is associated with the Rockefeller family, the former director of several financial institutions who is also married to one of David Rockefeller's daughters.

Mark Zuckerberg was born in New York on May 14, 1984 into a middle-class family. His parents? Karen and Ed have waived a published photo and are providing no information about their "son Jacob" whose resemblance to Zuckerberg is striking. He has been called the cornerstone of the conspiracy theory.

This is how the Elite plunged us into 2 world wars over the last 150 years you must see the whole documentary: https://www.bitchute.com/video/pni1NfqfKofn/

Fact checkers, however, are convinced that he has nothing in common with the Rockefeller or Greenberg and Zuckerberg families. But grandfather Rockefeller took care of Mark Zuckerberg, who had been kicked out of school and failed to achieve anything. Why?.

Conspiracy theories about "secret" ties to the Rich and influential families are not uncommon. Therefore, members of such families often appear in various ''conspiracy'' theories. They are even considered the rulers of the New German World Order (why are they so spoken of?)

2023 the 27 Years' War will begin.

Ethnic Germans A Forgotten Genocide

Het is dan zeker toeval dat twitter en Faceboek Trump van hun media afgooide of kreeg kleine Mark Zuckerberg opdracht van hogere hand?

En dan hebben we nog onze Koning van Duitsen bloed
The Nazis are back ''The Great Reset'' was a smokescreen! Alex10

Ik weet het niet oordeel zelf er maar over!

The Nazis are back ''The Great Reset'' was a smokescreen! Silent10

Alles zal fout gaan en de schuld is de farmaci zij die nu triljoenen aan het verdienen zijn met de inzet de mensheid!  We moeten dit stoppen.

Zoon Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, George Soros zijn de Investors van Pfizer ze zijn ook gekoppeld aan het RIVM.


Ik hoop dat deze informatie die ik vond dit toch niet zal uit komen maar het is een mogelijkheid.

Ik denk namelijk dat de vernietiging van een deel van Amerika met een atoombom van uit Iran of Ukraine zal komen als er niet word ingegrepen.
Een hevige verwoesting Europa zal dan het resultaat zijn en wie gaat dat innemen? Rusland?

Onder tussen slaat dan China (de CCP) toe in Afrika.
Of men komt dan tot nog tot een akkoord en de EU, Rusland en het midden oosten gaan samen.
China zal afrika en Azie innemen in ruil de wereld te stabiliseren en we zijn Amerika als bond genoot kwijt die zal onder Trump een herstart maken!

Waarom neemt Europa ineens met Duitsland deze zet?

Bekijk dit eens Trump's Biggest Failure

We gaan dus toch richting Oorlog want Biden valt Rusland met zeer groffe beschuldigingen en taal aan en verklaart bijna de oorlog!
Link https://www.frontnieuws.com/navo-bereidt-zich-voor-op-globaal-conflict-democratie-wordt-bedreigd/

Links : https://www.frontnieuws.com/poetin-waarschuwt-voor-wereldoorlog-en-ondergang-van-de-beschaving/?

Men wil oorlog in Europa: https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/media

George Soros: https://soldaatvandewaarheid.actieforum.com/t122-bellingcat-media-en-bijna-alle-kranten-inclusief-de-regering-zijn-in-handen-van-george-soro-s?highlight=GEORGE+SOROS

George Soros: https://soldaatvandewaarheid.actieforum.com/t142-george-soros-controleert-de-media-en-rechtbanken-en-zal-een-virus-gebruiken-om-de-wereld-te-knechten?highlight=GEORGE+SOROS

Nog even dit: mijn columns zijn altijd gratis te lezen. Wil je me steunen (dank je wel!), dan kan hier– te gek!
Klik link: https://www.whydonate.nl/fundraising/httpssoldaatvandewaarheidactieforumcom/nl

Ik wil graag dit werk door zetten maar het web onderhoud het kost het elk jaar weer meer.
En Hugo zal me niet steunen dus ik krijg geen ondersteuning voor het vertellen van de waarheid!
Zo kan ik nieuws blijven verspreiden.

Hielke Roos
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The Nazis are back ''The Great Reset'' was a smokescreen!
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